Workshop on Current Research Directions in Computer Music

MOSART is a project of the European Commission within the Research Training Networks initiative. The aim of these European networks is to "promote training-through-research, especially of young researchers, both pre- and post-doctoral level, within the frame of high quality transnational collaborative research projects, including those in emerging fields of research". MOSART fits perfectly well under this initiative by promoting research in Sound and Music Computing, sponsoring young researchers and organizing workshops such as this one.

The institutions involved in the coordination of the MOSART project are:

• DIKU-University of Copenhagen, Denmark
• NTNU-Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
• KTH-Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden
• DAIMI-DIEM-University of Aarhus, Denmark
• DTU-Danish Technical University, Denmark
• University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
• NICI-University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
• Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence in Vienna, Austria
• DEI-University of Padova, Italy
• DIST-University of Genova, Italy
• CNUCE/C.N.R. in Pisa, Italy
• LMA-Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique in Marseille, France
• IUA-Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain

The Workshop on Current Research Directions in Computer Music, organized by the Audiovisual Institute (IUA) of the Pompeu Fabra University has been structured around four main topics:

- Music Generation (emphasizing algorithmic composition and composition systems)
- Music Performance (emphasizing quantitative models of performance, cognitive models of perception and production, and expressive performance and emotion)
- Music Interfaces (emphasizing gesture based interaction, mapping strategies and multimodality)
- Music Sound Modeling (emphasizing instrument modeling, instrument recognition and content processing)

The discussion of these topics has been structured around three types of academic events:

1. presentations of overview papers,
2. presentations of short papers with poster and
3. panel discussions.
The overview papers are long papers (6 to 8 pages) that present a quite general topic in an introductory and tutorial fashion. The short papers do not have to be that long (4 to 6 pages) and are intended for presenting specific research topics that, apart from a short lecture, are also presented in the form of a poster/demo to be able to have a more in depth discussion with the workshop participants. Finally, the panel discussions is the forum to discuss in a more informal fashion the state of the art and future directions of the four main topics of the Workshop.

All the overview and short papers are included in the proceedings of the workshop and a summary of the panel discussion will be available on the workshop web site after the workshop is finished.

Xavier Serra
Director of the IUA-UPF

Barcelona, Nov 15-16-17, 2001
Audiovisual Institute, Pompeu Fabra University