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New Applications of the Sound Description Interchange Format

Title New Applications of the Sound Description Interchange Format
Publication Type Conference Paper
Year of Publication 1998
Conference Name International Computer Music Conference
Authors Wright, M. , Chaudhary A. , Freed A. , Wessel D. , Rodet X. , Woehrmann R. , & Serra X.
Conference Location Ann Arbor, USA
Abstract The Sound Description Interchange Format (SDIF) is a recently adopted standard that can store a variety of sound representations including spectral, time domain, and higher-level models. SDIF consists of a specified data format and a set of standard sound descriptions and their official representation. SDIF is flexible in that new sound descriptions can be represented, and new kinds of data can be added to existing sound descriptions, facilitating innovation and research. This paper describes the goals and design of SDIF and its standard frame types, followed by a review of recent SDIF work at CNMAT, IRCAM, and IUA.
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