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Integrating Complementary Spectral Models in the Design of a Musical Synthesizer

Title Integrating Complementary Spectral Models in the Design of a Musical Synthesizer
Publication Type Conference Paper
Year of Publication 1997
Conference Name International Computer Music Conference
Authors Serra, X. , Bonada J. , Herrera P. , & Loureiro R.
Conference Start Date 25/09/1997
Conference Location Thessaloniki, Greece
Abstract Spectral based analysis/synthesis techniques offer powerful tools for the processing of sounds. They include many different approaches, each one with its own advantages and set of compromises. In the design of a general purpose synthesizer more than one technique is needed while maintaining a unified control strategy and a single synthesis engine. In this article we present several complementary spectral representations, techniques to obtain them or generate sound from them, and the design of a general purpose software synthesizer based on these techniques.
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