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Saxex a Case-Based Reasoning System for Generating Expressive Musical Performances

Title Saxex a Case-Based Reasoning System for Generating Expressive Musical Performances
Publication Type Conference Paper
Year of Publication 1997
Conference Name International Computer Music Conference
Authors Arcos, J. L. , Lopez de Mantaras R. , & Serra X.
Conference Start Date 25/09/1997
Conference Location Thessaloniki, Greece
Abstract We have developed Saxex, a case-based reasoning system for generating expressive performances of melodies based on examples of human performances. Case-based Reasoning (CBR) is a recent approach to problem solving and learning where new problems are solved using similar previously solved problems. The two basic mechanisms used by CBR are (i) the retrieval of solved problems (also called precedents or cases) using some similarity criteria and (ii) the adaptation of the solutions applied in the precedents to the new problem. Case-based reasoning techniques are appropriate on problems where many examples of solved problems can be obtained---like in our case where multiple examples can be easily obtained from recordings of human performances
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