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Comparison of non-stationary sinusoid estimation methods using reassignment and derivatives

Title Comparison of non-stationary sinusoid estimation methods using reassignment and derivatives
Publication Type Conference Paper
Year of Publication 2010
Conference Name Sound and Music Computing Conference
Authors Musevic, S. , & Bonada J.
Abstract In this paper, three state of the art non-stationary sinusoidal analysis methods based on Fourier transform (FT) are compared - the derivative method, reassignment and generalized reassignment. The derivative method and reassignment were designed to analyze linear log-AM/linear FM sinusoids. Generalized reassignment can analyze sinusoids containing arbitrary order modulations, however the discussion will be limited to linear log-AM/linear FM in order to compare it objectively to reassignment and the derivative method. In this paper, the equivalence of reassignment and the derivative method is shown to hold for arbitray order modulation estimation and theoretical comparison with generalized reassignment is presented. The results of tests conducted on two different frequency ranges, full range (frequencies up to Nyquist) and reduced range (frequencies up to 3/4 Nyquist) frequency range, are compared to the Cramer-Rao bounds (CRBs).
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