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Hybrid Music Similarity Measure

Title Hybrid Music Similarity Measure
Publication Type Miscellaneous
Year of Publication 2010
Authors Bogdanov, D. , Serrà J. , Wack N. , & Herrera P.
Abstract This paper describes our submission for the MIREX 2010 audio music similarity and retrieval task. The submission is similar to the one of our previous systems, sent to MIREX 2009. This task of audio music similarity can be regarded as obtaining a suitable distance measurement between songs defined on a certain feature space. We propose a hybrid measure defined as a combination of a number of existing state-of-the-art measures, which include three low-level measures, together with one high-level semantic measure, based on regression by support vector machines of different groups of musical dimensions such as genre and culture, moods and instruments, or rhythm and tempo.
Notes MIREX2010 results for music similarity and retrieval:
preprint/postprint document files/publications/MIREX2010-sim.pdf