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Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Music Signals: Approaches, Applications and Challenges

Title Melody Extraction from Polyphonic Music Signals: Approaches, Applications and Challenges
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2014
Authors Salamon, J. , Gómez E. , Ellis D. , & Richard G.
Journal Title IEEE Signal Processing Magazine
Volume 31
Issue 2
Pages 118-134
Journal Date 02/2014
Abstract Melody extraction algorithms aim to produce a sequence of frequency values corresponding to the pitch of the dominant melody from a musical recording. Over the past decade melody extraction has emerged as an active research topic, comprising a large variety of proposed algorithms spanning a wide range of techniques. This article provides an overview of these techniques, the applications for which melody extraction is useful, and the challenges that remain. We start with a discussion of `melody' from both musical and signal processing perspectives, and provide a case study which interprets the output of a melody extraction algorithm for specific excerpts. We then provide a comprehensive comparative analysis of melody extraction algorithms based on the results of an international evaluation campaign. We discuss issues of algorithm design, evaluation and applications which build upon melody extraction. Finally, we discuss some of the remaining challenges in melody extraction research in terms of algorithmic performance, development, and evaluation methodology.
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