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Distribution Derivative Method for Generalised Sinusoid With Complex Amplitude Modulation

Title Distribution Derivative Method for Generalised Sinusoid With Complex Amplitude Modulation
Publication Type Conference Paper
Year of Publication 2015
Conference Name International Conference on Digital Audio Effects (DAFx-15)
Authors Musevic, S. , & Bonada J.
Conference Start Date 30/11/2015
Conference Location Trondheim, Norway
ISSN Number 2413-6700
Full Text The most common sinusoidal models for non-stationary analysis represent either complex amplitude modulated exponentials with exponential damping(cPACED) or log-amplitude/frequency modulated exponentials (generalised sinusoids), by far the most commonly used modulation function being polynomials for both signal families. Attempts to tackle a hybrid sinusoidal model, i.e. a generalised sinusoid with complex amplitude modulation were relying on approximations and iterative improvement due to absence of a tractable analytical expression for their Fourier Transform. In this work a simple, direct solution for the aforementioned model is presented.