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Analysis of spherical isotropic noise fields with an A-Format tetrahedral microphone.

Title Analysis of spherical isotropic noise fields with an A-Format tetrahedral microphone.
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2019
Authors Pérez-López, A. , & Stefanakis N.
Journal Title The Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
Issue 146(4)
Pages EL329–EL334
Journal Date 10/2019
Abstract Several applications in spatial audio signal processing benefit from the knowledge of the diffuseness of the sound field. In this paper, several experiments are performed to determine the response of a tetrahedral microphone array under a spherically isotropic sound field. The data were gathered with numerical simulations and real recordings using a spherical loudspeaker array. The signal analysis, performed in the microphone signal and spherical harmonic domains, reveals the characteristic coherence curves of spherical isotropic noise as a function of the frequency.
Final publication