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A Genetic Rule-based Expressive Performance Model for Jazz Saxophone

Title A Genetic Rule-based Expressive Performance Model for Jazz Saxophone
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2008
Authors Ramirez, R. , Hazan A. , Maestre E. , & Serra X.
Journal Title Computer Music Journal
Volume 32
Pages 38-50
Abstract We describe an evolutionary approach to inducing a generative model of expressive music performance for Jazz saxophone. We begin with a collection of audio recordings of real Jazz saxophone performances from which we extract a symbolic representation of the musician's expressive performance. We then apply an evolutionary algorithm to the symbolic representation in order to obtain computational models for different aspects of expressive performance. Finally, we use these models to automatically synthesize performances with the timing and energy expressiveness that characterizes the music generated by a professional saxophonist.
preprint/postprint document
Final publication