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Disorder and decision cost in spatial networks

Title Disorder and decision cost in spatial networks
Publication Type Journal Article
Year of Publication 2008
Authors Zanin, M. , Buldú J. M. , Cano P. , & Boccaletti S.
Journal Title Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science
Volume 18
Issue 2
Abstract We introduce the concept of decision cost of a spatial graph, which measures the disorder of a given network taking into account not only the connections between nodes but their position in a two-dimensional map. The influence of the network size is evaluated and we show that normalization of the decision cost allows us to compare the degree of disorder of networks of different sizes. Under this framework, we measure the disorder of the connections between airports of two different countries and obtain some conclusions about which of them is more disordered. The introduced concepts decision cost and disorder of spatial networks can easily be extended to Euclidean networks of higher dimensions, and also to networks whose nodes have a certain fitness property i.e., one-dimensional.
preprint/postprint document
Final publication