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Voice converter for assimilation by frame synthesis with temporal alignment
Title | Voice converter for assimilation by frame synthesis with temporal alignment |
Publication Type | Patent |
Year of Publication | 2004 |
Authors | Kawashima, T. , Yoshioka Y. , Cano P. , Loscos A. , Serra X. , Schiementz M. , & Bonada J. |
Issuing Organization | US Patent Office |
Application Number | 09/693144 |
Assignee | Yamaha Corporation; Universitat Pompeu Fabra |
Patent Number | US 6,836,761 B1 |
Abstract | A Voice converting apparatus is constructed for converting an input Voice into an output voice according to a target Voice. In the apparatus, a storage Section provisionally Stores Source data, which is associated to and extracted from the target voice. An analyzing Section analyzes the input voice to extract therefrom a Series of input data frames represent ing the input voice. A producing Section produces a Series of target data frames representing the target Voice based on the Source data, while aligning the target data frames with the input data frames to Secure Synchronization between the target data frames and the input data frames. A Synthesizing Section Synthesizes the output voice according to the target data frames and the input data frames. |