International Workshop on Artificial Intelligence and Music
Held in conjunction with IJCAI2007, The Twentieth
International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Hyderabad, India
January 6-12, 2007
9.30-10.50 SESSION I
9.30 Representation and discovery of feature set patterns in music (Best Paper)
Mathieu Bergeron and Darrell Conklin (UK)
9.50 Melodic Contour Extraction for Indian Classical Vocal Music
Ashutosh Bapat, Vishweshwara Rao, and Preeti Rao (India)
10.10 A cooperative approach to style-oriented music composition
D. Espi, P. J. Ponce de Leon, C. Perez-Sancho, D. Rizo, J. M. Inesta, F.
Moreno-Seco, and A. Pertusa (Spain)
10.30 A Complexity-based Approach to Melody Track Identification in MIDI Files
Søren Tjagvad Madsen and Gerhard Widmer (Austria)
10.50-1130 TEA
11.30-12.50 SESSION II
11.30 A Rule-based Expressive Performance Model for Jazz Saxophone
Rafael Ramirez, Amaury Hazan (Spain)
11.50 An Experiment on Evolutionary Essentic Sound
Soh Igarashi and Koichi Furukawa (Japan)
12.10 Using Multiple-Part Learning and Genetic Algorithm to Compose Emotion-Inducing Tunes
Roberto Legaspi, Yuya Hashimoto, Koichi Moriyama,Satoshi Kurihara, Masayuki Numao (Japan)
12.30 The Critical Damped Oscillator Fitness Function in Music Creativity Problems
Tzimeas Dimitrios, Mangina Eleni (Ireland)
12.50-1400 LUNCH
14.00-15.20 SESSION III
14.00 A Probabilistic Context-Free Grammar for Melodic Reduction
Édouard Gilbert and Darrell Conklin (France/UK)
14.20 Optimal Parameter Set Acquisition for exGTTM
Yoshinori Oka, Masatoshi Hamanaka, Keiji Hirata, and Satoshi Tojo (Japan)
14.40 Preliminaries for Transformational Analysis in OpenMusic
Yun-Kang Ahn, Moreno Andreatta, and Carlos Agon (France)
15.00 Sung Note Segmentation for a Query-by-Humming System
Pradeep Kumar, Manohar Joshi, Hariharan, S. Dutta-Roy, Preeti Rao (India)
15.20-16.00 TEA
16.00-17.30 SESSION IV
16.00 The Non-Trivial Machine in Digital Audio: From Counter-point to Counter-wave
Arun Chandra (USA)
16.20 Score-Guided Music Audio Source Separation
Christopher Raphael (USA)
16.40 Clustering Streaming Music via the Temporal Similarity of Timbre
Jacob Merrell, Dan Ventura, and Bryan Morse (USA)
17.00 Open discussion