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A new method for tracking modulations in tonal music in audio data format

Title A new method for tracking modulations in tonal music in audio data format
Publication Type Conference Paper
Year of Publication 2000
Conference Name International Joint Conference on Neural Network (IJCNN'00)
Authors Purwins, H. , Blankertz B. , & Obermayer K.
Pagination 270-275
Abstract Cq-profiles are 12-dimensional vectors, each component referring to a pitch class. They can be employed to represent keys. Cq-profiles are calculated with the constant Q filter bank. They have the following advantages: (i) They correspond to probe tone ratings. (ii) Calculation is possible in real-time. (iii) Stability is obtained with respect to sound quality. (iv) They are transposable. By using the cq-profile technique as a simple auditory model in combination with the SOM an arrangement of keys emerges, that resembles results from psychological experiments, and from music theory. Cq-profiles are reliably applied to modulation tracking by introducing a special distance measure.
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