export this to sms.h and wrap in pysms
explain when this is necessary
is the return value info correct? Why isn't it used in sms_analyze?
mae this a < 0 check, but first make sure sms_fundDeviation does not return values below zero
make it variable) that are accumulated for good harmonic detection and partial tracking. For instance, once the fundamental frequency of a harmonic signal is located (after a few frames), the harmonic analysis and peak detection/continuation process can be re-computed with more accuracy.
sort out return meanings
when deviation is really off, this function returns -1, yet it isn't used.. is it being recomputed ??
add anchor point add at frequency = 0 with the same magnitude as the first peak in pMag. This does not change the size of the cepstrum, only helps to smoothen it at the very beginning.
if sizeFft != power of 2, there is a silent crash.. cuidado!
this filter only works on sample rates up to 48k?
note on window scales
is it possible to use pSpectralPeaks instead of SMS_AnalFrame?
move pCHarmonic array to SMS_AnalFrame structure
call this from sms_initSynth()? some other mod params are updated there
needs to be pre-windowed to match the windowing effect of the deterministic, so when they are summed then they can be ifft'ed and overlap-added properly
why is it also multiplied by 2? Why aren't the coeffecients just stored with gain already multiplied?
do I need to garuntee that sizeWindow is odd-lengthed?
will forgetting to reset pD to zero at the beginning of a new analysis (when there are multiple analyses within the life of one program) cause problems?