Todo List

Global BlackmanHarris62
where did these come from?

Global FindNextMax

export this to sms.h and wrap in pysms

Global GetStartingPeak
should this return something?

Global IFFTwindow
read X. Rodet, Ph. Depalle, "Spectral Envelopes and Inverse FFT Synthesis." Proc. 93rd AES Convention, October 1992

Global rdft
(optimize) replace math.h trig functions (table lookup?)

Global ReAnalyzeFrame

explain when this is necessary

is the return value info correct? Why isn't it used in sms_analyze?

mae this a < 0 check, but first make sure sms_fundDeviation does not return values below zero

this should be a parameter in AnalParams

Class SMS_AnalParams

make it variable) that are accumulated for good harmonic detection and partial tracking. For instance, once the fundamental frequency of a harmonic signal is located (after a few frames), the harmonic analysis and peak detection/continuation process can be re-computed with more accuracy.

Global sms_analyze

sort out return meanings

when deviation is really off, this function returns -1, yet it isn't used.. is it being recomputed ??

Global SMS_DBG
write details about debug files

make this show main information to look at for discovering the correct deterministic parameters

Global sms_dCepstrum

add anchor point add at frequency = 0 with the same magnitude as the first peak in pMag. This does not change the size of the cepstrum, only helps to smoothen it at the very beginning.

Global sms_dCepstrumEnvelope
does this have to be a pow2

Global sms_fft

if sizeFft != power of 2, there is a silent crash.. cuidado!

Global sms_filterHighPass

this filter only works on sample rates up to 48k?

Global sms_freeSynth
is there a way to make sure the plan has been made already? as it is, it crashes if this is called without one

Global sms_getWindow

note on window scales

Global sms_harmDetection

is it possible to use pSpectralPeaks instead of SMS_AnalFrame?

move pCHarmonic array to SMS_AnalFrame structure

  • this will allow for analysis of effectiveness from outside this file This really should only be for sms_analyzeFrame

Global sms_initFrame
make this return void

Global sms_initModifyParams

call this from sms_initSynth()? some other mod params are updated there

Global sms_interpolateFrames
how to interpolate residual phase spectrum

Global sms_residual
why is residual energy percentage computed this way? should be optional and in a seperate function

Global sms_residualOLD
why is residual energy percentage computed this way? should be optional and in a seperate function

Global sms_scalarTempered
remove this define now that there is sms_scalerTempered

Global sms_spectrum
remove this return

Global sms_stochastic

needs to be pre-windowed to match the windowing effect of the deterministic, so when they are summed then they can be ifft'ed and overlap-added properly

why is it also multiplied by 2? Why aren't the coeffecients just stored with gain already multiplied?

Global sms_synthesize
use a comb filter of harmonics to better combine the signal here

Global sms_windowCentered

do I need to garuntee that sizeWindow is odd-lengthed?

Global StocSynthApprox
cleanup returns and various constant multipliers. check that approximation is ok

Global ZeroPoleFilter

will forgetting to reset pD to zero at the beginning of a new analysis (when there are multiple analyses within the life of one program) cause problems?

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