Note: This bibliographic page is archived and will no longer be updated. For an up-to-date list of publications from the Music Technology Group see the Publications list .


Filters: Author is Meyers, O.
Mayor, O. , Meyers O. , Laurier C. , & Koppenberger M. (2009). MyMTV: A personalized and interactive music channel . Conference of the International Society for Music Information Research (ISMIR), Demo session.. Abstract
Laurier, C. , Meyers O. , Serrà J. , Blech M. , & Herrera P. (2009). Music Mood Annotator Design and Integration . 7th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing. Abstract
Wack, N. , Guaus E. , Laurier C. , Meyers O. , Marxer R. , Bogdanov D. , et al. (2009). Music type groupers (MTG): generic music classification algorithms . Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX) extended abstract. Abstract