Quantitative comparison of tempo induction algorithms - ISMIR 2004 tempo induction contest

Fabien Gouyon

In this document we report on the tempo induction contest held as part of the ISMIR 2004 Audio Description Contests, organized at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona in September 2004 and won by Anssi Klapuri from Tampere University.

The goal of this contest was to compare state-of-the-art algorithms in the task of inducing the basic tempo (i.e. a scalar, in BPM) from audio signals. For informations on other contests (on Genre Classification, Artist Identification, Melody Detection and Rhythm Classification), see the contest webpage.

In this document, we present the 12 different algorithms tested, we detail the framework set up for this contest, the test database of 3199 instances, the several accuracy measures used and we summarize the results. More detailed results are given here.

November 16th 2004: some slight changes in results and data annotations (i.e. ground-truth BPM values) relative to the `song' dataset.

March 17th 2006: some changes in data organization.

If you want to refer to this contest in a publication, or use the data provided on these web pages, please cite the related article. The full citation is "An experimental comparison of audio tempo induction algorithms" Gouyon F., Klapuri A., Dixon S., Alonso M., Tzanetakis G., Uhle C. and Cano P., IEEE Transactions on Speech and Audio Processing, 14(5), 2006

Markus 'koppi' Koppenberger and the Tape Gallery.

Fabien Gouyon 2006-03-17